How To Improve Your Google Search Engine Ranking?

If you are attempting to drive traffic to your business site you should know that more than 70% click on the first 5 URLs of the Google SERPs? If you want to be visible to the visitors and want to earn maximum volume of online traffic you should figure in the 5 slots. For this you will need the help of Google ranking services Pittsburgh as they are experts in improving rankings for struggling websites.

SEO Services Company Pittsburgh

How to improve Google rankings?

1.       Provide enhanced user experience

Website user experience plays a big role in deciding whether people will stay on your web pages. If they leave your pages for your rivals, then it is apparent that your website pages are not providing sufficient user experience. it is significant that  your website provides positive response to users or they are likely to turn on the back button. If your bounce rate is high Google will determine that your website content is not suitable to the needs of your users. Your website is a showroom that showcase your products, service and business information and if users are not able to access them properly it will be a bad user experience thus will repel visitors. If their experience is positive they will remain on your web pages and even make revisits to know about you and your products thus increasing your chances of converting leads to profitable business.

While ranking websites Google takes in to account things like number of website visits, time spent on the site and how long the session for each page. if visitors browse through ages and spend time reading them then it is a positive message that is sent to Google search engine. it also establishes that  your website is user relevant and is to be taken seriously.

User experience can be increased by

·         Easy to negotiate navigation of your web pages. You must display the navigation tools in the right manner so visitors find it easy to locate them and click on them

·         Implement responsive design so the website could run across all platforms and devices

·         Intersperse text with appealing visuals

·         Implant call-to-action buttons so visitors are persuaded into interacting with you and lead to the ultimate goal of a fruitful business transaction

·         Test y our website consistently to check its performance and make improvements.

This is just one of the steps you have to take to improve your website performance so it gets higher Google rankings. You will have to engage a SEO Services Company Pittsburgh to give full range of treatment that are designed to boost your website rankings with Google.


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